compactness[T:TYPE+,d:[T,T->nnreal]]: THEORY
% Compactness
% Authors: Anthony Narkawicz, NASA Langley
% Ricky Butler, NASA Langley
% Version 1.0 8/25/2009 Initial Version
% Compactness proofs can be detailed and tricky. It is highly recommended that
% users of this library exploit the IdxCover mechanism developed here
% Given a set H = { (a,r) } where a = center of a ball and
% r = radius of a ball
% for which
% ball_covering(H) = { balls(a,r) | H(a,r) }
% idxCover returns
% N: size of a finite covering
% seq: below[N] -> (H)
% which provides a finite sub-cover, i.e.
% open_cover?(ball_covering({h: [T,posreal] | H(h)
% AND (EXISTS (n: below[N]): h = seq(n))}),S)
ASSUMING IMPORTING metric_spaces_def[T,d]
fullset_metric_space: ASSUMPTION metric_space?[T,d](fullset[T])
CONVERSION+ singleton
S,W: VAR set[T]
r: VAR posreal
x,y,z: VAR T
IMPORTING metric_spaces[T,d]
XS,YS: VAR set[set[T]]
open_cover?(XS,S): bool = subset?(S,Union(XS)) AND
(FORALL (C: set[T]): XS(C) IMPLIES open?(C))
finite_cover?(XS,S): bool = is_finite(XS) AND open_cover?(XS,S)
compact?(S): bool = FORALL XS: open_cover?(XS,S) IMPLIES
EXISTS YS: subset?(YS,XS) & finite_cover?(YS,S)
bounded?(S): bool = EXISTS r: FORALL x,y: S(x) AND S(y) IMPLIES ball(x,r)(y)
precompact?(S): bool = FORALL r: EXISTS (X:set[T]):
finite_cover?({z:set[T] | EXISTS (x:(X)): ball(x,r) = z},S)
nBalls(p:T): set[(open?)] = {s: set[T] | EXISTS (n: posnat): s = ball(p,n)}
p: VAR T
nBalls_open_cover: LEMMA open_cover?(nBalls(p),S)
% Helpful Property Of Compact Sets
H: VAR set[[T,posreal]]
ball_covering(H): set[set[T]] = {s: set[T] | EXISTS (h: (H)): s = ball(h`1,h`2)}
%exists_sequence: LEMMA
reverse_ball(H: set[[T,posreal]],A: {s: (nonempty?[T]) | ball_covering(H)(s)}):
{h: (H) | ball(h`1,h`2) = A}
set_compact: LEMMA
(compact?(S) AND open_cover?(ball_covering(H),S))
IMPLIES (EXISTS (N: nat, seq: [below[N] -> (H)]):
open_cover?(ball_covering({h: [T,posreal] | H(h) AND
(EXISTS (n: below[N]): h = seq(n))}),S))
% ----- Here is a mechanism to explicitly contruct a indexed finite subcover of any ---------------------
% ----- ball covering of a compact set
Htype(S): TYPE = {H: set[[T,posreal]] | compact?(S) AND open_cover?(ball_covering(H),S)}
idxCover(S: (compact?), H: Htype(S)):
{pair: [N: nat,seq: [below[N]->(H)]] |
open_cover?(ball_covering({h: [T,posreal] | H(h)
AND (EXISTS (n: below[pair`1]): h = pair`2(n))}),S)}
= choose({ pair: [N: nat,seq: [below[N]->(H)]] |
open_cover?(ball_covering({h: [T,posreal] | H(h)
AND (EXISTS (n: below[pair`1]): h = pair`2(n))}),S)})
idxCover_def: LEMMA
compact?(S) AND open_cover?(ball_covering(H),S) AND
LET (N,seq) = idxCover(S,H) IN
(EXISTS (n: below[N]): LET (a,r) = seq(n) IN
ball(a,r)(x) AND ball_covering(H)(ball(a,r)))
set_compact_alt: LEMMA
compact?(S) AND open_cover?(ball_covering(H),S)
IMPLIES LET (N,seq) = idxCover(S,H) IN
open_cover?(ball_covering({h: [T,posreal] | H(h) AND (EXISTS (n: below[N]): h = seq(n))}),S)
N: var posint
M: var nat
IMPORTING finite_sets@finite_sets_minmax[nat,<=]
max_min_finite_scaf: LEMMA
FORALL (P: [nat,below(N) -> bool]): (FORALL (n: below(N)):
EXISTS (M: nat): FORALL (m: above(M)):
P(m,n)) IMPLIES (EXISTS (TOTAL_M: nat): FORALL (m:above(TOTAL_M),n: below(N)): P(m,n))
compact_sequence_limit: LEMMA
(nonempty?(S) AND compact?(S))
IMPLIES (FORALL (seq: [nat -> (S)]): EXISTS (p: (S)):
FORALL (epsilon: posreal, N: posint): EXISTS (n: above(N)): d(seq(n),p) < epsilon)
% Apostle Theorem 3.38
%% compact_closed : LEMMA compact?(S) IMPLIES closed?(S)
%% compact_bounded: LEMMA compact?(S) IMPLIES bounded?(S)
compact_open_increasing_seq: LEMMA compact?(S) IMPLIES (FORALL (seq: [nat -> (open?)]): (FORALL (j: nat):
subset?(seq(j),seq(j+1))) AND open_cover?({AZ: set[T] | EXISTS (k: nat): AZ = seq(k)},S) IMPLIES
EXISTS (i: nat): subset?(S,seq(i)))
closed_subset_of_compact: LEMMA compact?(S) AND subset?(W,S) AND closed?(W) IMPLIES compact?(W)
compact_closed: LEMMA compact?(S) IMPLIES closed?(S)
compact_bounded: LEMMA compact?(S) IMPLIES bounded?(S) % Added 09/2010
END compactness
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