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Datei: Transitive_Closure.thy   Sprache: Lisp

Original von: PVS©

 (min_wgt_TCC1 0
  (min_wgt_TCC1-1 nil 3588008037 ("" (subtype-tcc) nil nilnil nil))
 (walk_member_set_min 0
  (walk_member_set_min-1 nil 3588007494
   ("" (skosimp)
    (("" (typepred "w!1" "e!1")
      (("" (expand"member" "nonempty?")
        (("" (expand "set_min" 2)
          (("" (name-replace "e1" "e!1`1" :hide? nil)
            (("" (name-replace "e2" "e!1`2" :hide? nil)
              (("" (prop)
                (("" (expand "min_wgt")
                  (("" (lemma "choose_member[Walk(dg(G!1))]")
                    (("" (inst -1 "set_min(G!1)(e!1)")
                      (("" (assert)
                        (("" (expand "member")
                            (name-replace "ww"
                            (("" (expand "set_min" -1)
                                  (replace -3)
                                    (replace -4)
                                      (expand "min_walk?")
                                          (inst -2 "w1!1")
                                          (("" (assertnil nil))
   ((set_min const-decl "set[Walk(dg(G))]" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (nonempty? const-decl "bool" sets nil)
    (set type-eq-decl nil sets nil) (Walk type-eq-decl nil walks nil)
    (wdg type-eq-decl nil weighted_digraphs nil)
    (0 formal-const-decl "{zero: Weight | identity?(+)(zero)}"
     wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (identity? const-decl "bool" operator_defs nil)
    (+ formal-const-decl
       "{f: [[Weight, Weight] -> Weight] | commutative?(f) AND associative?(f)}"
       wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (associative? const-decl "bool" operator_defs nil)
    (commutative? const-decl "bool" operator_defs nil)
    (Weight formal-type-decl nil wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (edge type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (walk? const-decl "bool" walks nil)
    (digraph type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (AND const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (IMPLIES const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (predigraph type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (finite_set type-eq-decl nil finite_sets nil)
    (edgetype type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (prewalk type-eq-decl nil walks nil)
    (finseq type-eq-decl nil finite_sequences nil)
    (T formal-type-decl nil wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (below type-eq-decl nil nat_types nil)
    (nat nonempty-type-eq-decl nil naturalnumbers nil)
    (> const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (real nonempty-type-from-decl nil reals nil)
    (real_pred const-decl "[number_field -> boolean]" reals nil)
    (number_field nonempty-type-from-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (number_field_pred const-decl "[number -> boolean]" number_fields
    (number nonempty-type-decl nil numbers nil)
    (NOT const-decl "[bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil)
    (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil)
    (min_wgt const-decl "Weight" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (min_walk? const-decl "bool" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (from? const-decl "bool" walks nil)
    (choose const-decl "(p)" sets nil)
    (real_gt_is_strict_total_order name-judgement
     "(strict_total_order?[real])" real_props nil)
    (choose_member formula-decl nil sets_lemmas nil)
    (= const-decl "[T, T -> boolean]" equalities nil)
    (member const-decl "bool" sets nil))
 (wgt_min_walk_choose_TCC1 0
  (wgt_min_walk_choose_TCC1-1 nil 3588007607 ("" (subtype-tcc) nil nil)
   ((NOT const-decl "[bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (number nonempty-type-decl nil numbers nil)
    (number_field_pred const-decl "[number -> boolean]" number_fields
    (number_field nonempty-type-from-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (real_pred const-decl "[number_field -> boolean]" reals nil)
    (real nonempty-type-from-decl nil reals nil)
    (> const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (nat nonempty-type-eq-decl nil naturalnumbers nil)
    (below type-eq-decl nil nat_types nil)
    (finseq type-eq-decl nil finite_sequences nil)
    (prewalk type-eq-decl nil walks nil)
    (edgetype type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (finite_set type-eq-decl nil finite_sets nil)
    (predigraph type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (IMPLIES const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (digraph type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (walk? const-decl "bool" walks nil)
    (edge type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (wdg type-eq-decl nil weighted_digraphs nil)
    (Walk type-eq-decl nil walks nil)
    (int_minus_int_is_int application-judgement "int" integers nil)
    (real_gt_is_strict_total_order name-judgement
     "(strict_total_order?[real])" real_props nil)
    (verts_in? const-decl "bool" walks nil)
    (finseq_appl const-decl "[below[length(fs)] -> T]" finite_sequences
    (edge? const-decl "bool" digraphs nil)
    (below type-eq-decl nil naturalnumbers nil)
    (< const-decl "bool" reals nil) (>= const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (int nonempty-type-eq-decl nil integers nil)
    (integer_pred const-decl "[rational -> boolean]" integers nil)
    (rational nonempty-type-from-decl nil rationals nil)
    (rational_pred const-decl "[real -> boolean]" rationals nil)
    (odd_plus_even_is_odd application-judgement "odd_int" integers nil)
    (real_lt_is_strict_total_order name-judgement
     "(strict_total_order?[real])" real_props nil)
    (posint_plus_nnint_is_posint application-judgement "posint"
     integers nil)
    (0 formal-const-decl "{zero: Weight | identity?(+)(zero)}"
     wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (identity? const-decl "bool" operator_defs nil)
    (+ formal-const-decl
       "{f: [[Weight, Weight] -> Weight] | commutative?(f) AND associative?(f)}"
       wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (associative? const-decl "bool" operator_defs nil)
    (commutative? const-decl "bool" operator_defs nil)
    (AND const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil)
    (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil)
    (Weight formal-type-decl nil wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (wgt_walk const-decl "Weight" weighted_digraphs nil)
    (min_walk? const-decl "bool" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (set_min const-decl "set[Walk(dg(G))]" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (member const-decl "bool" sets nil)
    (empty? const-decl "bool" sets nil)
    (nonempty? const-decl "bool" sets nil)
    (from? const-decl "bool" walks nil)
    (T formal-type-decl nil wgt_digraphs_props nil))
 (wgt_min_walk_choose 0
  (wgt_min_walk_choose-1 nil 3588007614
   ("" (skeep)
    (("" (expand "member")
        (case "FORALL (w1, w2: Walk(dg(G))):
                                           set_min(G)(u, v)(w1) AND set_min(G)(u, v)(w2)
                                          IMPLIES wgt_walk(G, w1) = wgt_walk(G, w2)")
        (("1" (inst -1 "w" "choose(set_min(G)(u, v))")
          (("1" (assertnil nil)) nil)
         ("2" (hide -1 2)
          (("2" (skeep)
            (("2" (expand "set_min")
              (("2" (flatten)
                (("2" (expand "min_walk?")
                  (("2" (inst -2 "w2")
                    (("2" (inst -4 "w1")
                      (("2" (hide -1 -3)
                        (("2" (typepred "<=")
                          (("2" (expand "partial_order?")
                            (("2" (flatten)
                                (hide -1)
                                  (expand "antisymmetric?")
                                     "wgt_walk(G, w1)"
                                     "wgt_walk(G, w2)")
                                    (("2" (assertnil nil))
   ((member const-decl "bool" sets nil)
    (min_walk? const-decl "bool" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (w1 skolem-const-decl "Walk[T](dg(G))" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (NOT const-decl "[bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (pred type-eq-decl nil defined_types nil)
    (partial_order? const-decl "bool" orders nil)
    (<= formal-const-decl "{<=: (partial_order?[Weight]) |
         FORALL (a, b, c: Weight): a + b <= a + c => b <= c}"
        wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (antisymmetric? const-decl "bool" relations nil)
    (v skolem-const-decl "T" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (u skolem-const-decl "T" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (w2 skolem-const-decl "Walk[T](dg(G))" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (G skolem-const-decl "wdg[T, Weight, +, 0]" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (from? const-decl "bool" walks nil)
    (choose const-decl "(p)" sets nil)
    (nonempty? const-decl "bool" sets nil)
    (nat nonempty-type-eq-decl nil naturalnumbers nil)
    (below type-eq-decl nil nat_types nil)
    (T formal-type-decl nil wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (finseq type-eq-decl nil finite_sequences nil)
    (number nonempty-type-decl nil numbers nil)
    (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil)
    (number_field_pred const-decl "[number -> boolean]" number_fields
    (number_field nonempty-type-from-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (real_pred const-decl "[number_field -> boolean]" reals nil)
    (real nonempty-type-from-decl nil reals nil)
    (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil)
    (> const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (prewalk type-eq-decl nil walks nil)
    (edgetype type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (finite_set type-eq-decl nil finite_sets nil)
    (predigraph type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (IMPLIES const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (AND const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (digraph type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (walk? const-decl "bool" walks nil)
    (edge type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (Weight formal-type-decl nil wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (commutative? const-decl "bool" operator_defs nil)
    (associative? const-decl "bool" operator_defs nil)
    (+ formal-const-decl
       "{f: [[Weight, Weight] -> Weight] | commutative?(f) AND associative?(f)}"
       wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (identity? const-decl "bool" operator_defs nil)
    (0 formal-const-decl "{zero: Weight | identity?(+)(zero)}"
     wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (wdg type-eq-decl nil weighted_digraphs nil)
    (Walk type-eq-decl nil walks nil) (set type-eq-decl nil sets nil)
    (set_min const-decl "set[Walk(dg(G))]" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (= const-decl "[T, T -> boolean]" equalities nil)
    (wgt_walk const-decl "Weight" weighted_digraphs nil))
 (min_walk_min_wgt 0
  (min_walk_min_wgt-1 nil 3588007762
   ("" (skosimp)
    (("" (expand "min_wgt")
      (("" (rewrite "wgt_min_walk_choose"nil nil)) nil))
   ((min_wgt const-decl "Weight" wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (Walk type-eq-decl nil walks nil)
    (walk? const-decl "bool" walks nil)
    (IMPLIES const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (predigraph type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (finite_set type-eq-decl nil finite_sets nil)
    (edgetype type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (prewalk type-eq-decl nil walks nil)
    (> const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (real nonempty-type-from-decl nil reals nil)
    (real_pred const-decl "[number_field -> boolean]" reals nil)
    (number_field nonempty-type-from-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (number_field_pred const-decl "[number -> boolean]" number_fields
    (number nonempty-type-decl nil numbers nil)
    (finseq type-eq-decl nil finite_sequences nil)
    (below type-eq-decl nil nat_types nil)
    (nat nonempty-type-eq-decl nil naturalnumbers nil)
    (wdg type-eq-decl nil weighted_digraphs nil)
    (0 formal-const-decl "{zero: Weight | identity?(+)(zero)}"
     wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (identity? const-decl "bool" operator_defs nil)
    (+ formal-const-decl
       "{f: [[Weight, Weight] -> Weight] | commutative?(f) AND associative?(f)}"
       wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (associative? const-decl "bool" operator_defs nil)
    (commutative? const-decl "bool" operator_defs nil)
    (AND const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil)
    (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil)
    (Weight formal-type-decl nil wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (edge type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (digraph type-eq-decl nil digraphs nil)
    (T formal-type-decl nil wgt_digraphs_props nil)
    (wgt_min_walk_choose formula-decl nil wgt_digraphs_props nil))
 (sub_min_walk_nonempty 0
  (sub_min_walk_nonempty-1 nil 3562952713
   ("" (auto-rewrite "finseq_appl")
    (("" (skeep)
      (("" (case "0 < i AND j < length(w) - 1")
        (("1" (flatten)
          (("1" (assert)
            (("1" (typepred "e")
              (("1" (lemma "walk_member_set_min")
                (("1" (inst -1 "G" "w" "e")
                  (("1" (expand "walk_from?")
                    (("1" (assert)
                      (("1" (hide -2)
                        (("1" (expand"nonempty?" "empty?" "member")
                          (("1" (name "ww" "w^(i,j)")
                            (("1" (name-replace "e1" "e`1" :hide? nil)
                                (name-replace "e2" "e`2" :hide? nil)
                                      (inst -12 "ww")
                                        (expand "set_min")
                                            (hide-all-but (-1 -2 -5 1))
                                              (replace -1 1 rl)
                                                (replace -2 1 rl)
                                                  (replace -3 1 rl)
                                                    (hide -)
                                                      (expand "from?")
                                            (expand "min_walk?")
                                                (typepred "w1")
                                                   "w ^ (0, i)")
                                                     "w ^ (j + 1, length(w) - 1)")
                                                       "w1 ^ (1, length(w1) - 1)")
                                                         "woi o w1t o wjl")
                                                                       "j - i"
                                                                       "w ^ (i, length(w) - 1)")
                                                                               "w ^ (i, length(w) - 1) ^ (0, j - i) = ww")
                                                                                       "w ^ (i, length(w) - 1) ^ (j - i, w`length - 1 - i) = w^(j, length(w) - 1)")
                                                                                                       "w1w ^ (0, i) = w^(0, i)")
                                                                                                               "length(w1) - 1"
                                                                                                               "w1w ^ (i, length(w1w) - 1)")
                                                                                                                   "w1w ^ (i, length(w1w) - 1) ^ (0, length(w1) - 1) = w1")
                                                                                                                       "w1w ^ (i, length(w1w) - 1) ^
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (length(w1) - 1, length(w1w ^ (i, length(w1w) - 1)) - 1)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               = w ^ (j, length(w) - 1)")
                                                                                                                                 "wgt_walk(G, w ^ (0, i))")
                                                                                                                                   "wgt_walk(G, w ^ (j, length(w) - 1))")
                                                                                                                                     "wgt_walk(G, ww)")
                                                                                                                                       "wgt_walk(G, w1)")
                                                                                                                                                                     "aa + bb"
                                                                                                                           "length(w1w) = length(w1) + length(w) + i - j - 1")
                                                                                                                                                                         "length(w1) = 1")
                                                                                                                                                                             "x!1 = 0")
--> --------------------

--> maximum size reached

--> --------------------

¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 1.1 Sekunden  (vorverarbeitet)  ¤

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