(defun resolve-with-actuals (decl acts dacts dth args mappings)
;; If dacts is there, or if decl has no decl-formals, no ambiguity
(let ((dparams (decl-formals decl)))
(if dacts
(when (and dparams
(length= dacts dparams)
(length= acts (formals-sans-usings dth)))
(let* ((thinsts (resolve-theory-actuals decl acts dacts dth args mappings))
(reses (resolve-decl-actuals decl dacts thinsts args)))
(let ((thinsts (when (length= acts (formals-sans-usings dth))
(resolve-theory-actuals decl acts dacts dth args mappings)))
(dreses (when (and (decl-formals decl)
(length= acts dparams))
decl acts
(if (eq dth (current-theory))
(list (current-theory-name))
(get-importings dth))
(append (mapcar #'(lambda (thinst)
(make-resolution decl thinst))
(defun subst-mod-params (obj modinst &optional theory decl)
(assert *current-context*)
(assert (or (null (dactuals modinst)) decl))
(assert (modname? modinst))
(assert (or (null theory) (null (actuals modinst)) (eq (id theory) (id modinst))))
(assert (or (null (dactuals modinst)) decl))
(let* ((*subst-mod-params-theory* (or theory (get-theory modinst)))
(*subst-mod-params-declaration* decl)
(formals (unless (eq (current-theory) *subst-mod-params-theory*)
(formals-sans-usings *subst-mod-params-theory*)))
(dformals (when decl (all-decl-formals decl)))
(*subst-mod-free-params* nil))
(if (or (module? obj)
(mappings modinst)
(some #'formal-theory-decl? formals)
(and (dactuals modinst)
(and (actuals modinst)
(or (some #'(lambda (ofp) (memq ofp formals))
(free-params obj))
(some #'(lambda (a)
(and (name-expr? (expr a))
(typep (declaration (expr a))
'(or module mod-decl
(actuals modinst)))))
(let* ((*generate-tccs* 'none)
(caches (get-subst-mod-params-caches modinst))
(*subst-mod-params-cache* (car caches))
(*subst-mod-params-eq-cache* (cdr caches))
(*smp-mappings* (mappings modinst))
(*subst-mod-params-map-bindings* nil) ; Collects map bindings
(init-bindings (initial-subst-mod-params-mappings
(bindings (make-subst-mod-params-bindings
modinst (append (when (actuals modinst)
(when (dactuals modinst)
(append (actuals modinst)
(all-dactuals decl modinst))
(mappings modinst) init-bindings))
(nobj (subst-mod-params* obj modinst bindings)))
#+pvsdebug (assert (or (eq obj nobj) (not (tc-eq obj nobj))))
#+pvsdebug (assert (equal bindings
(pairlis formals (actuals modinst))))
#+pvsdebug (assert (or (typep nobj 'modname)
(fully-instantiated? nobj)))
;; Note that it may be that nobj is tc-eq to obj, without being eq
;; True even for strong-tc-eq.
;; (assert (or (mappings modinst)
;; (subsetp (free-params nobj) (free-params modinst))))
(values nobj *subst-mod-params-map-bindings*))
(defmethod subst-mod-params* ((type type-name) modinst bindings)
(let* ((res (car (resolutions type)))
(decl (declaration res))
(act (cdr (assq decl bindings)))
(lhsmatch (unless act
(assoc decl bindings
:test #'(lambda (d bd)
(and (mapping-lhs? bd) (eq d (declaration bd))))))))
#+pvsdebug (assert (or (null act) (fully-instantiated? (type-value act))))
(cond (act
(type-value act) ;; sufficient since we know
;; type name was found on the bindings, and the corresponding
;; actual is there. Here we actally do the substitution.
(let ((stype
(type-value (cdr lhsmatch))
(mapcar #'(lambda (x y)
(cons x (type-value y)))
(decl-formals (car lhsmatch))
(dactuals type)))))
(subst-mod-params* stype modinst bindings)))
((and *subst-mod-params-module?*
(eq (module decl) *subst-mod-params-module?*))
(t (or (mapped-theory-value (module decl) type modinst bindings)
(let* ((mi (module-instance res))
(nacts (cond ((actuals mi)
(actuals mi) modinst bindings))
((eq (id mi) (id modinst))
(actuals modinst))))
(ndacts (cond ((dactuals mi)
(dactuals mi) modinst bindings))
((eq decl *subst-mod-params-declaration*)
(dactuals modinst)))))
#+pvsdebug (assert (not (and nacts
(eq (id mi) (id modinst)))))
#+pvsdebug (assert (fully-instantiated? nacts))
(assert (or (mappings modinst)
(not (fully-instantiated? modinst))
(and (fully-instantiated? nacts)
(fully-instantiated? ndacts))))
(if (or nacts ndacts)
(if (and (eq (actuals mi) nacts)
(eq (dactuals mi) ndacts))
;; If modinst has a library, but mi does not, we
;; may have to add a library to mi. If (module
;; decl) is a library theory, definitely need it,
;; but how do we know it is the same library?
(let* ((lib
(when (and (library-datatype-or-theory?
(module decl))
(not (library-datatype-or-theory?
(car (rassoc (lib-ref (module decl))
:test #'equal))))
(nmi (copy mi :actuals nacts
:dactuals ndacts
:library lib)))
(assert (or lib
(not (library-datatype-or-theory?
(module decl)))
(from-prelude-library? decl)
(file-equal (lib-ref (module decl))
(subst-mod-params-type-name type nmi bindings modinst)))
(if (eq (id mi) (id modinst))
;; mi is useless after this
(subst-mod-params-type-name type modinst bindings modinst)
(defmethod subst-mod-params* ((res resolution) modinst bindings)
(with-slots ((decl declaration) (mi module-instance) type) res
(let ((acts (actuals mi)))
#+pvsdebug (assert (not (assq decl bindings)))
#+pvsdebug (assert mi)
(cond ((tc-eq mi modinst)
(assert (subsetp (free-params res) (free-params modinst)) () "res1")
((and (eq (id mi) (id modinst))
(or (null acts)
(actuals-are-formals? acts)))
;; Note: mappings may change the type of a resolution for an
;; uninterpreted constant.
(let* ((ntype (subst-mod-params* type modinst bindings))
(libid (or (library mi) (library modinst)))
(nmi (if (decl-formals decl)
(if (dactuals mi)
(subst-mod-params* mi modinst bindings)
(lcopy modinst :library libid))
(lcopy modinst :dactuals nil :library libid)))
(nres (mk-resolution decl nmi ntype)))
(assert (subsetp (free-params ntype) (free-params modinst)) () "res2")
(assert (subsetp (remove-if #'(lambda (fp)
(memq fp (formals-sans-usings
(free-params nres))
(free-params modinst)) () "res2.5")
(t (let* ((nacts (subst-mod-params* acts modinst bindings)))
(assert (every #'actual? nacts))
(if (and (eq nacts acts)
(not (binding? decl))
(null (mappings modinst)))
(progn (assert (subsetp (free-params res) (free-params modinst))
() "res3")
(let ((ntype (subst-mod-params* type modinst bindings)))
;; (assert (or (mappings modinst)
;; (subsetp (free-params ntype) (free-params modinst)))
;; () "res4")
(if (and (strong-tc-eq type ntype)
(strong-tc-eq nacts acts)
(not (memq (id mi) '(|equalities| |notequal|)))
(not (library-datatype-or-theory?
(module decl))))
(progn (assert (or (mappings modinst)
(subsetp (free-params res)
(free-params modinst))) () "res5")
(let* ((rhs (cdr (assq (module decl) bindings)))
(nmappings (when rhs (mappings (expr rhs))))
(eqtype (when (memq (id mi)
'(|equalities| |notequal|))
(type-value (car nacts)))))
(nres (mk-resolution decl
(mk-modname (id mi)
(if eqtype
(list (mk-actual eqtype))
(when (library-datatype-or-theory?
(module decl))
(get-lib-id (module decl)))
(or nmappings
(unless (or (eq type ntype)
(not (eq (id mi) (id modinst)))
(not (eq (library mi)
(library modinst))))
(mappings modinst))))
(if eqtype
(mk-funtype (list eqtype eqtype) *boolean*)
;; (assert (subsetp (free-params nres) (free-params modinst))
;; () "res6")
(defmethod free-params* ((mi modname) frees)
(with-slots (actuals dactuals mappings resolutions) mi
(cond ((or actuals dactuals)
;; In this case, the theory is at least partially instantiated,
;; but there may be freevars in the actuals or mappings
(let ((afrees (free-params-acts actuals mi))
(dfrees (free-params-dacts dactuals))
(mfrees (free-params* mappings nil)))
(union mfrees (union dfrees (union afrees frees :test #'eq)
:test #'eq)
:test #'eq)))
(assert (null (cdr resolutions)))
;; This case is for theory references, i.e., theory declarations or
;; abbreviations
(free-params* (car resolutions) frees))
(t (let ((theory (get-theory mi))
(mfrees (free-params* mappings nil))
(dfrees (unless (or (null (current-declaration))
(dactuals mi))
(decl-formals (current-declaration)))))
(assert theory)
(union mfrees (union dfrees (formals-sans-usings theory)
:test #'eq)
:test #'eq))))))
(defmethod free-params-res (decl (mi modname) type frees)
(declare (ignore type))
(with-slots (actuals dactuals) mi
(if (or actuals dactuals)
(let* ((afrees (free-params-acts actuals mi))
(dafrees (free-params-dacts dactuals))
(ufrees (union dafrees (union afrees frees :test #'eq) :test #'eq)))
;;(assert (every #'(lambda (fp) (memq fp ufrees)) (free-params* type nil)))
(let ((theory (if (typep decl '(and recursive-type
(not inline-recursive-type)))
(module decl))))
(when theory
(dolist (x (formals-sans-usings theory))
(setq frees (pushnew x frees :test #'eq))))
(dolist (x (decl-formals decl))
(setq frees (pushnew x frees :test #'eq)))
(defun free-params-acts (actuals mi)
(if actuals
(free-params* actuals nil)
(let ((theory (get-theory mi)))
(assert theory ()
"free-params: get-theory failed for ~a" mi)
(formals-sans-usings theory))))
(defun free-params-dacts (dactuals)
(if dactuals
(free-params* dactuals nil)
(unless (null (current-declaration))
(decl-formals (current-declaration)))))
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