permutation_ops[N: posnat]: THEORY
% the theory of bijective mappings from below(N) to below(N)
% Author: Alfons Geser, National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA, 2003
IMPORTING permutation[N], sort_array[N,below(N),<=]
i,j,k : VAR below(N)
m : VAR below(N+1)
pi, rho: VAR permutation
sorted_iff_id_lem : LEMMA (FORALL i: i >= m => pi(i) = i) &
(FORALL (i,j): i < j => pi(i) <= pi(j)) IMPLIES
pi(i) = i
% a permutation is sorted iff it is the identity
sorted_iff_id : THEOREM sorted?(pi) <=> pi = id
END permutation_ops
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