closest_approach_3D: THEORY
% We compute the closest point of approach (CPA) between two
% points that are dynamically moving in a straight line. This is
% an important computation in collision detection. For example,
% to calculate the time and distance of two planes (represented as
% line vectors) when they are at their closest point.
% We use time-parametric equations to represent the paths of the
% two planes:
% p(t) = p0 + t*u q(t) = q0 + t*v
% Minimum separation occurs at:
% t_cpa = -w0*(u-v)/sq(norm(u-v))
% where w0 = p0 - q0
% dist(L1,L2,t): MACRO nnreal = dist(loc(L1)(t),loc(L2)(t))
% dist(L1,L2): nnreal = dist(L1,L2,t_cpa(L1,L2))
% We also introduce the following convenient predicates
% divergent?(p0,q0,u,v): bool =
% FORALL (t: posreal): dist(p0,q0) < dist(p0+t*u,q0+t*v)
% dot_prop?(p0,q0,u,v): bool = (p0-q0)*(u-v) >= 0
% and we prove there equivalence when u /= v. See "dot_prop_divergent".
% See
% for a very nice discussion.
% Author: Ricky Butler NASA Langley Research Center
IMPORTING distance_3D,
t,t0,t1,t2 : VAR real
a,b,c : VAR real
p0,q0,u,v,w0,wt: VAR Vect3
sq_dist_lem: LEMMA LET p(t) = p0 + t*u, q(t) = q0 + t*v,
w0 = p0 - q0,
w(t) = w0 + t*(u-v) IN
sq_dist(p(t),q(t)) = w(t)*w(t)
% --- distance between two moving points is a quadratic function ----
sq_dist_quad: LEMMA w0 = p0 - q0 AND
a = (u-v)*(u-v) AND
b = 2*w0*(u-v) AND
c = w0*w0
IMPLIES sq_dist(p0+t*u,q0+t*v) = a*sq(t) + b*t + c
% ----- p(t) = p0 + t*u q(t) = q0 + t*v -----
dist_eq_vel : LEMMA dist(p0 + t*v, q0 + t*v) = dist(p0,q0)
norm_diff_eq_0: LEMMA norm(u-v) = 0 IMPLIES
dist(p0+t1*u, q0+t1*v) = dist(p0+t2*u, q0+t2*v)
% ----- time of closest point of approach --------
time_closest(p0,q0,u,v): real = IF norm(u-v) = 0 THEN % parallel, eq speed
time_closest_lem: LEMMA norm(u-v) /= 0 AND
a = (u-v)*(u-v) AND
b = 2*(p0-q0)*(u-v)
time_closest(p0,q0,u,v) = -b/(2*a)
% ----- time of closest point of approach between p(t) and q0
time_closest(p0,q0,u): MACRO real = time_closest(p0,q0,u,zero)
% ----- distance at time of closest point of approach
dist_closest(p0,q0,u,v): MACRO nnreal =
LET t_cpa=time_closest(p0,q0,u,v) IN
dist(p0+t_cpa*u, q0+t_cpa*v)
% ----- distance at time of closest point of approach between p(t) and q0
dist_closest(p0,q0,u): MACRO nnreal =
% ----- distance at closest point is indeed a minimum -------
t_cpa: VAR real
d_cpa: VAR nnreal
cpa_prep_mono: LEMMA w0 = p0 - q0 AND
a = (u-v)*(u-v) AND
b = 2*w0*(u-v) AND
c = w0*w0 AND
t_cpa = time_closest(p0,q0,u,v) AND
norm(u-v) /= 0 AND
t_cpa <= t1 AND t1 < t2
LET D2 = (LAMBDA t: sq_dist(p0+t*u,q0+t*v)) IN
D2(t1) < D2(t2)
time_cpa: LEMMA t_cpa = time_closest(p0,q0,u,v)
is_minimum?(t_cpa,(LAMBDA t: sq_dist(p0+t*u,q0+t*v)))
dist_cpa: LEMMA
dist_closest(p0,q0,u,v) <= dist(p0+t*u, q0+t*v)
dist_cpa_lt: LEMMA t_cpa = time_closest(p0,q0,u,v) AND
norm(u-v) /= 0 AND
t_cpa <= t1 AND t1 < t2
LET D2 = (LAMBDA t: sq_dist(p0+t*u,q0+t*v)) IN
D2(t1) < D2(t2)
dist_min: LEMMA LET p(t) = p0 + t*u,
q(t) = q0 + t*v IN
t_cpa = time_closest(p0,q0,u,v)
dist(p(t_cpa),q(t_cpa)) <= dist(p(t),q(t))
% ------ points diverge from point of closest approach ------
tt: VAR real
dist_diverges: LEMMA LET p(t) = p0 + t*u,
q(t) = q0 + t*v IN
t_cpa = time_closest(p0,q0,u,v) AND
t_cpa <= t1 AND t1 < t2 AND
norm(u-v) /= 0
dist(p(t1),q(t1)) < dist(p(t2),q(t2))
dist_parallel_lines: LEMMA LET p(t) = p0 + t*u,
q(t) = q0 + t*v IN
norm(u-v) = 0
dist(p(t1),q(t1)) = dist(p(t2),q(t2))
% ------ Relation between positive dot product and tcpa
dot_nneg_tca_npos : LEMMA
(p0-q0)*(u-v) >= 0 IMPLIES
time_closest(p0,q0,u,v) <= 0
divergent?(p0,q0,u,v): bool =
FORALL (t: posreal): dist(p0,q0) < dist(p0+t*u,q0+t*v)
dot_prop?(p0,q0,u,v): bool = (p0-q0)*(u-v) >= 0
divergent_u_neq_v : LEMMA
divergent?(p0,q0,u,v) IMPLIES
u /= v
dot_nneg_divergent : THEOREM
(p0-q0)*(u-v) >= 0 AND u /= v IMPLIES
divergent_dot_nneg : THEOREM
divergent?(p0,q0,u,v) IMPLIES
(p0-q0)*(u-v) >= 0
divergent_t1_lt_t2 : LEMMA
divergent?(p0,q0,u,v) IFF
FORALL (t1,t2): 0 <= t1 AND t1 < t2
IMPLIES dist(p0+t1*u,q0+t1*v) < dist(p0+t2*u,q0+t2*v)
dot_prop_divergent: THEOREM u /= v IMPLIES
(dot_prop?(p0,q0,u,v) IFF divergent?(p0,q0,u,v))
% ------ Intersection of dynamic line and a sphere -----
s: VAR Vect3
% The first lemma states that if t1 and t2 are the intersection
% points with a sphere of radius D, then the distance for all times
% between t1 and t2 is less than D
t1_lt_t2_lt_D : LEMMA FORALL (t,t1,t2,D:real):
v*v /= 0 AND
t1 < t2 AND
(s+t1*v)*(s+t1*v) = D AND
(s+t2*v)*(s+t2*v) = D AND
t1 < t AND t < t2 IMPLIES
(s+t*v)*(s+t*v) < D
% The second lemma is the reciprocal of the previous lemma. It states that
% if the distance at time t is less than D, then t is between t1 and
% t2.
lt_D_t1_lt_t2 : LEMMA FORALL (t,t1,t2,D:real):
v*v /= 0 AND
t1 < t2 AND
(s+t1*v)*(s+t1*v) = D AND
(s+t2*v)*(s+t2*v) = D AND
(s+t*v)*(s+t*v) < D IMPLIES
t1 < t AND t < t2
% The third lemma states that if there are no intersection points with
% a sphere of radius D then the distance at any time is greater than D.
discr_le_0 : LEMMA FORALL (t,discrm,D:real):
sos(v) /= 0 AND
discr(sos(v),2*(s*v),sos(s) - D) <= 0
(s+t*v)*(s+t*v) >= D
END closest_approach_3D
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