class Compiler
util : codegen_Util = new codegen_Util();
instance variables
typeDefs : seq of SimpleTypeDefinition := [];
context : map seq of char to seq of char := {|->};
inv card dom context = card rng context;
varDecls : seq of GiraffeVariableDeclStatement := [];
uid : nat1 := 1;
private getUniqeName : () ==> seq of char
getUniqeName() == let res = uid
in (uid := uid + 1;
return "v" ^ util.iToS(res))
post RESULT not in set rng context;
private getUniqeSimpleName : () ==> seq of char
getUniqeSimpleName() ==
while true do
let name : seq of char = getUniqeName() -- Use it as a source of new string
if (name not in set dom context) then
return name
return ""
post RESULT not in set dom context;
public Compile : seq of char * SimpleSpecification ==> GiraffeSpecification
Compile(programName, spec) ==
let name : GiraffeIdentifier = new GiraffeIdentifierImpl(programName),
defs : seq of SimpleDefinition = spec.getDefs(),
functionz : set of GiraffeMethodDefinition = {Compile(defs(i))
| i in set inds defs
& isofclass(SimpleFunctionDefinition, defs(i))},
classDef : GiraffeClassDefinition = new GiraffeClassDefinitionImpl(name, functionz)
(typeDefs := [defs(i) | i in set inds defs & isofclass(SimpleTypeDefinition, defs(i))];
return new GiraffeSpecificationImpl(classDef))
pre len programName > 0 and programName(1) not in set {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};
public Compile : SimpleFunctionDefinition ==> GiraffeMethodDefinition
Compile(func) ==
let name : GiraffeIdentifier = new GiraffeIdentifierImpl(func.getName().getName()),
defs : seq of SimpleParameter = func.getParams(),
params : seq of GiraffeParameter = [Compile(defs(i))
| i in set inds defs],
type : GiraffeType = Compile(GetType(func.getBody())),
body : seq of GiraffeStatement = varDecls ^ [new GiraffeReturnStatementImpl(Compile(func.getBody()))]
in (varDecls := [];
return new GiraffeMethodDefinitionImpl(name, params, type, body))
pre varDecls = [] and context = {|->}
post varDecls = [] and context = {|->};
public Compile : SimpleParameter ==> GiraffeParameter
Compile(param) ==
let name : GiraffeIdentifier = new GiraffeIdentifierImpl(param.getName().getName()),
type : GiraffeType = Compile(param.getType())
in return new GiraffeParameterImpl(type, name);
public Compile : SimpleType ==> [GiraffeType]
Compile(type) ==
if isofclass(SimpleIdentifier, type) then
let t : SimpleIdentifier = type
in return Compile(GetBasicType(t))--new GiraffeIdentifierImpl(t.getName())
let t : SimpleBasicType = type
"INT" -> return GiraffeBasicType`INT,
others -> return nil
post RESULT <> nil;
public Compile : SimpleExpression ==> [GiraffeExpression]
Compile(exp) ==
cases true:
(isofclass(SimpleIntegerLiteralExpression, exp)) -> let e : SimpleIntegerLiteralExpression = exp
in return new GiraffeIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl(e.getValue()),
(isofclass(SimpleBinaryExpression, exp)) -> let e : SimpleBinaryExpression = exp
in return Compile(e.getOp(), e.getLhs(), e.getRhs()),
(isofclass(SimpleCasesExpression, exp)) -> let e : SimpleCasesExpression = exp
in return CompileCases(e),
(isofclass(SimpleVariableExpression, exp)) -> let e : SimpleVariableExpression = exp,
name : SimpleIdentifier = e.getName()
in return new GiraffeVariableExpressionImpl(new GiraffeIdentifierImpl(context(name.getName()))),
(isofclass(SimpleLetExpression, exp)) -> let e : SimpleLetExpression = exp
in return CompileLet(e),
(isofclass(SimpleIfExpression, exp)) -> let e : SimpleIfExpression = exp
in return CompileIf(e),
others -> return nil
post RESULT <> nil;
public CompileCases : SimpleCasesExpression ==> GiraffeExpression
CompileCases(e) ==
let testVarName : SimpleIdentifier = new SimpleIdentifierImpl(getUniqeSimpleName()),
testVar : SimpleVariableExpression = new SimpleVariableExpressionImpl(testVarName),
testVarAss : SimpleLocalDefinition = new SimpleLocalDefinitionImpl(testVarName, e.getTest()),
letBody : SimpleExpression =
if e.getAlts() = [] then
let first : SimpleCaseAlternative = hd e.getAlts(),
ifTest : SimpleBinaryExpression = new SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl(testVar, SimpleBinaryOperator`EQUALS, first.getTest()),
rest : seq of SimpleCaseAlternative = tl e.getAlts(),
elsIfs : seq of SimpleElseIfExpression = [new SimpleElseIfExpressionImpl(new SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl(testVar, SimpleBinaryOperator`EQUALS, rest(i).getTest()), rest(i).getExp()) | i in set inds rest]
new SimpleIfExpressionImpl(ifTest, first.getExp(), elsIfs, e.getDeflt())
in return Compile(new SimpleLetExpressionImpl([testVarAss], letBody))
pre not e.hasDeflt(); -- Empty defaults not allowed as we do not want to implement runtime errors.
-- not operator used due to a bug in ASTGEN
public CompileLet : SimpleLetExpression ==> GiraffeExpression
CompileLet(letExp) ==
let oldContext : map seq of char to seq of char = context
in (for x in letExp.getDefs() do
let name : seq of char = x.getName().getName(),
newName : seq of char = getUniqeName(),
type : SimpleType = GetType(x.getValue()),
gType : GiraffeType = Compile(type),
gName : GiraffeIdentifier = new GiraffeIdentifierImpl(newName),
gValue : GiraffeExpression = Compile(x.getValue()),
gStm : GiraffeVariableDeclStatement = new GiraffeVariableDeclStatementImpl(gType, gName, gValue)
in (context := context ++ {name |-> newName};
varDecls := varDecls ^ [gStm];);
let body : GiraffeExpression = Compile(letExp.getBody())
in (context := oldContext; return body;))
pre letExp.getDefs() <> [];
public Compile : SimpleBinaryOperator * SimpleExpression * SimpleExpression ==> [GiraffeBinaryExpression]
Compile(op, lhs, rhs) ==
"EQUALS" -> let glhs : GiraffeExpression = Compile(lhs),
gop : GiraffeBinaryOperator = GiraffeBinaryOperator`EQUALS,
grhs : GiraffeExpression = Compile(rhs)
in return new GiraffeBinaryExpressionImpl(glhs, gop, grhs),
"PLUS" -> let glhs : GiraffeExpression = Compile(lhs),
gop : GiraffeBinaryOperator = GiraffeBinaryOperator`PLUS,
grhs : GiraffeExpression = Compile(rhs)
in return new GiraffeBinaryExpressionImpl(glhs, gop, grhs),
others ->
return nil
post RESULT <> nil;
public GetType : SimpleExpression ==> SimpleType
GetType(exp) ==
return SimpleBasicType`INT;
public GetBasicType : SimpleType ==> SimpleBasicType
GetBasicType(type) ==
return SimpleBasicType`INT;
public CompileIf : SimpleIfExpression -> GiraffeIfExpression
CompileIf(selif) ==
gTest : GiraffeExpression = Compile(selif.getTest()),
gThen : GiraffeExpression = Compile(selif.getThn()),
gElse : GiraffeExpression = deflatten(selif.getElif(), selif.getEse())
new GiraffeIfExpressionImpl(gTest,gThen,gElse);
public deflatten : seq of SimpleElseIfExpression * SimpleExpression -> GiraffeExpression
deflatten(elsif, els) ==
if (elsif = []) then
let head : SimpleElseIfExpression = hd elsif,
gTest : GiraffeExpression = Compile(head.getTest()),
gThen : GiraffeExpression = Compile(head.getThn()),
gElse : GiraffeExpression = deflatten(tl elsif, els)
in new GiraffeIfExpressionImpl(gTest, gThen, gElse);
end Compiler
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