class Rotor
is subclass of Configuration
instance variables
latch_pos : nat;
latch_lock : bool := false;
inv RotorInv(latch_pos, config, alph)
RotorInv: nat * inmap nat to nat * Alphabet -> bool
RotorInv (platch_pos, pconfig, palph) ==
let ainds = palph.GetIndices() in
platch_pos in set ainds and
dom pconfig = ainds and
rng pconfig = ainds and
exists x in set dom pconfig & x <> pconfig(x)
public Rotor:
nat * nat * Alphabet * inmap nat to nat ==> Rotor
Rotor (psp, plp, pa, pcfg) ==
atomic (latch_pos := pa.Shift(plp,psp-1);
alph := pa;
config := {pa.Shift(i,psp-1) |->
pa.Shift(pcfg(i),psp-1) |
i in set dom pcfg})
pre psp in set pa.GetIndices() and
RotorInv(plp, pcfg, pa);
public Rotate: () ==> ()
Rotate () ==
(-- propagate the rotation to the next component
-- and tell it where our latch position is
-- update our own latch position and take the
-- alphabet size into account
if latch_pos = alph.GetSize()
then latch_pos := 1
else latch_pos := latch_pos+1;
-- update the transpositioning relation by
-- shifting all indices one position
config := {alph.Shift(i) |->
alph.Shift(config(i)) |
i in set dom config};
-- remember the rotation
latch_lock := true)
pre isofclass(Rotor,next) or
public Rotate: nat ==> ()
Rotate (ppos) ==
-- compare the latch position and the lock
if ppos = latch_pos and not latch_lock
-- perform the actual rotation
then Rotate()
-- otherwise reset the lock
else latch_lock := false
pre ppos in set alph.GetIndices();
end Rotor
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