% LeftController.vdmrt
\subsubsection{Creating the controllers -- the \texttt{LeftController} class}
The \texttt{LeftController} class controls the left wheel and monitors the
accelerometer and gyroscope. The class \texttt{LeftController} is created by
subclassing the generic \texttt{Controller} class and by
overloading the operation prototypes for \texttt{CtrlLoop}, \texttt{PowerUp}
and \texttt{printDiagnostics}.
class LeftController
is subclass of Controller
-- values for PID controller (acceleration)
KP1 : real = 0.009;
KI1 : real = 8.69565217391;
KD1 : real = 0.02875;
BETA1 : real = 0.1
instance variables
-- link to the controller
public ctrl : DTControl;
-- sensors connected to the left controller
public mAccelerometer : Accelerometer;
public mGyroscope : Gyroscope
-- constructor for the left motor controller
public LeftController: () ==> LeftController
LeftController () ==
( -- create the co-sim shared variables
ChessWay`acc_in := new Sensor();
ChessWay`acc_out := new Actuator();
-- create the controller
ctrl := new PID(KP1, KI1, KD1, BETA1);
-- create the sensors
mAccelerometer := new Accelerometer(self);
mGyroscope := new Gyroscope(self);
-- call the controller base constructor
Controller("LEFT") )
instance variables
-- maintain a link to the other controller
private mRight : [RightController] := nil
-- auxiliary operation to hook controller models together
public setRightController: RightController ==> ()
setRightController (pRight) == mRight := pRight
pre mRight = nil
Two auxiliary variables are introduced that will aid diagnostics.
\texttt{mLoopCnt} will be incremented every time the control loop
is executed and \texttt{mDebug} will influence the amount of
diagnostics messages shown in the output log of the Overture tool.
instance variables
-- loop count variable
private mLoopCnt : nat := 0;
-- time at control loop entry
private mTimeEntry : nat := 0;
-- enable debug logging
private mDebug : nat := 0
The constructor of the \texttt{LeftController} class first initialises
the accelerometer and the gyroscope. The operation \texttt{setRightController}
is used by the environment to link the left and right controllers.
public CtrlLoopEntry: () ==> ()
CtrlLoopEntry () ==
( -- increase the loop counter
mLoopCnt := mLoopCnt + 1;
-- capture the current time
mTimeEntry := time;
-- diagnostics
if mDebug >= DEBUGCTRLLOOP then
IO`printf("LeftController.mainLoop (S) = %s (%s)\n",
[mTimeEntry / 1E9, mLoopCnt]) );
public CtrlLoopBody: () ==> ()
CtrlLoopBody () ==
duration (0)
( dcl --hall : bool * bool * bool :=
-- mMotorSensor.getHallSensorData(),
--acc : real * real * real :=
-- mAccelerometer.getAccelerationData(),
---gyro : real :=
-- mGyroscope.getYawRateData(),
user : real := mEnvironment.getValue("USER");
IO`printf("user = %s\n", [user]);
-- execute the control loop
-- mMotorActuator.SetValue(ctrl.Output(mMotorSensor.GetValue()-user));
-- -- execute the controller
-- let pwm = computeResponse(hall, acc, gyro) in
-- mMotorActuator.setPWM(pwm);
-- -- local diagnostics
-- duration (0)
-- if ChessWay`debug then
-- ( -- IO`print("L-HALL = ");
-- -- IO`print(hall); IO`print("\n");
-- -- IO`print("L-ACC = ");
-- -- IO`print(acc); IO`print("\n");
-- -- IO`print("L-YRATE = ");
-- -- IO`print(gyro); IO`print("\n");
skip );
public CtrlLoopExit: () ==> ()
CtrlLoopExit () ==
( dcl mTimeExit : nat := time;
-- diagnostics
if mDebug >= DEBUGCTRLLOOP then
IO`printf("LeftController.mainLoop (F) = %s (%s)\n",
[mTimeExit / 1E9, mLoopCnt]);
if mDebug > DEBUGCTRLLOOP then
IO`printf("LeftController execution time was %s\n",
[(mTimeExit - mTimeEntry) / 1E9]) )
The \texttt{CtrlLoop} operation obtains the value of all connected
sensors and passes these to the \texttt{computeResponse} operation, which
will return a real value that is in turn passed to the \texttt{setPWM}
operation of the \texttt{MotorActuator}. Note that the execution time of
the control loop is 100~msec. The \texttt{PowerUp} operation is called
once at startup. It initialises the actuator and then starts the periodic
control loop.
public PowerUp: () ==> ()
PowerUp () ==
duration (100)
( mMotorActuator.initActuator();
mMotorActuator.printDiagnostics() )
pre mRight <> nil
-- prototype used for simulation diagnostics
public printDiagnostics: () ==> ()
printDiagnostics () ==
duration (0)
The \texttt{computeResponse} operation processes all the input parameters obtained
from the sensors in the environment. Note that the on/off behavior is dealt with
by the other controller, here we set to run forward at 10~percent of its maximum
power. Since the motor is mounted on the opposite site (it is mirrored), we
actually have to negate the output signal in order to have the ChessWay move
public computeResponse: (bool * bool * bool) *
(real * real * real) * real ==> real
computeResponse (-, -, -) == return -0.1;
end LeftController
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