% MotorActuator.vdmrt
\subsubsection{Controlling the direct drive motor -- the \texttt{MotorActuator} class}
The \texttt{MotorActuator} class provides the functionality to drive the motor.
The motor is either \texttt{<FREERUNNING>} or \texttt{<ACTUATED>} and operations
are provided to modify the state of the actuator. If the actuator is in
\texttt{<FREERUNNING>} state then setting the pulse width modulation (PWM)
value has no effect, it will simply not be propagated to the environment.
Note that the PWM value must be set between $[-1.0, 1.0]$ whereby the sign
influences the direction of the rotation.
class MotorActuator
is subclass of IActuatorReal
-- motor is either free running or actuated
private tDriveStatus = <ACTUATED> | <FREERUNNING>
instance variables
-- motor is initially free running
private mDriveStatus : tDriveStatus := <FREERUNNING>;
-- link back to the controller managing this resource
private mController : Controller;
public MotorActuator: Controller ==> MotorActuator
MotorActuator (pController) == mController := pController;
public initActuator: () ==> ()
initActuator () ==
( -- set drive status to free running
mDriveStatus := <FREERUNNING>;
-- push initial motor drive status to environment
mController.setValue("ACTUATED", 0);
-- reset the motor PWM start-up value
mController.setValue("PWM", 0) );
public isActuated: () ==> bool
isActuated () == return mDriveStatus = <ACTUATED>;
public setFreeRunning: () ==> ()
setFreeRunning () ==
if isActuated()
then ( -- update the motor actuation state
mDriveStatus := <FREERUNNING>;
-- push the drive status to the environment
duration (0) mController.setValue("ACTUATED", 0);
-- conditional diagnostics
duration (0) if ChessWay`debug
then printDiagnostics() );
public setActuated: () ==> ()
setActuated () ==
if not isActuated()
then ( -- update the motor actuation state
mDriveStatus := <ACTUATED>;
-- push the drive state to the environment
duration (0) mController.setValue("ACTUATED", 1);
-- conditional diagnostics
duration (0) if ChessWay`debug
then printDiagnostics() );
public SetValue: real ==> ()
SetValue(v) ==
if mController.mName = "LEFT"
then mController.setValue("ACC", v)
else mController.setValue("VEL", v);
public setPWM: real ==> ()
setPWM (pPWM) ==
if isActuated()
-- store the PWM value (push to environment)
then duration (0) mController.setValue("PWM", pPWM)
else skip
pre pPWM >= -1.0 and pPWM <= 1.0;
public printDiagnostics: () ==> ()
printDiagnostics () ==
( IO`print(mController.mName ^ " motor is ");
IO`print(" at ");
IO`print("\n") );
end MotorActuator
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